Monday, February 11, 2008

Mardi Gras Murder Mystery

Last Friday, Sarah and I were invited to a murder mystery dinner with some of our friends. We were each assigned a character to dress up as and play their role for the evening. I was Cayenne Pepper, the family chef and aspiring tv star. Sarah played the role of Connika Gothika, an eccentric novelist and next door neighbor. Our host, Nikki, did a wonderful job with this event. The food was great, and we all had a lot of fun as we played the game. For more info on some of the other characters, check out Nikki's blog. If you have never been to one of these murder mysteries, I highly recommend it.

Thanks Nikki for hosting such a wonderful, fun party. It's not everyday you get to see Sarah dressed in gothic clothes.


Nikki said...

Thank you for coming. You guys were great. Thanks for being such cool friends. Can not wait until the redneck one.

Hans and Laurel said...

This is a good look for you both. Sounds like a really fun night.