Thursday, February 1, 2007

Three Nephews - Urban Acid

I was driving around the other day and saw this industrial building that was being demolished. I thought this would be a great spot for a photo shoot with some older boys. I borrowed my nephews a few days ago and went back to the building. Most of it had been taken down, but there was still enough to work with.

It had been raining most of the day, unusual for Phoenix, AZ. The sky was really dark so I had to bump my ISO up to 400. I used my 50mm 1.4 lens and had the aperture betweeen 2.5 and 5.6.

I gave these pictures an Urban Acid look and left the noise in for a little grain effect.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Yea! I get to leave the first post... Great job on these pictures. I really like the grungy feel.